At Toledo Christian, we believe God is a creative being who also loves to watch us create. He has given us a voice to proclaim His truth, goodness, and beauty to the nations. Creativity is most evident in the fine arts and for TC this includes the theatre. We give all students from kindergarten through 12th grade opportunities to participate in theatre. Opportunities are not just limited to acting, but involve directing, designing, singing, and being a part of the tech crew.
Our kindergarten through 5th grade students have opportunities through the Christmas and spring programs to begin to experience theatre with various performances directed by our elementary music director.
Our 6th through 8th grade students perform 1-act plays in the fall and are invited to join in the high school productions in the spring and summer.
Our high school students have many opportunities to continue to develop and excel in theatre through senior directed 1-act plays in the fall, beloved musicals in the spring, and finally their participation and directing of our summer play in August.
"I will praise you, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works."
Psalm 9:1