TC 50th Anniversary

Honoring the past...while embracing the future!
In the book, The History of Toledo Christian School, Julie Quinn Rhodes said it best, “The Lord’s hand was certainly evident in the inception of Toledo Christian Schools. It all began with a small group of dedicated Christians who attended Toledo Gospel Tabernacle, now called First Alliance Church. The Spirit of the Lord prompted these individuals to dream big and consider doing something that had never been done before in Toledo - create a non-denominational Christian school for families in Northwest Ohio.”
Through the years TC's mission and vision have not waivered. We continue to partner with Christian families to provide a college prep, Bible-centered program to educate, disciple, and prepare students to follow Christ and impact culture.
We hope you will join us in our celebrations throughout all of 2025. We have some exciting events planned for the year. Whether you were a part of TC decades ago, or you are a current family, we are celebrating YOU this year and we want you to be a part of it.
January 1 - Happy New Year
We are excited for the year ahead as we celebrate 50 years of God's faithfulness to Toledo Christian. We hope you will join us throughout the year!
February 8 - Main Campus (K - 12) Open House
Toledo Christian Open House events are open to prospective students and their families, and a great way to experience TC in action. Take a guided tour of our campus, meet the faculty and staff, and experience our amazing community atmosphere!
For more information and to register for our Open House event visit:
February 14 - Alumni Winter Night
Alumni and Foundation guests are invited to join us at the TC Boys Basketball Game on Friday, February 14 starting at 5:30. Alumni and their immediate families, as well as Foundation guests, will receive free admission to the game along with free dinner.
That night we are bringing back a student favorite, Wiener Mania! This was led by Mr. Jeff Gagle and Mrs. Majean Hackett, as a 5th grade camp fundraiser for many years at TC. Mr. Gagle will be bringing back this exciting event for one night only in the TC Cafeteria. Also, join us as we celebrate TC Alumni Couples!
February 23 - First Alliance Luncheon
Toledo Christian will be providing First Alliance Church with a special luncheon this Sunday in honor of the longstanding partnership.
It all began in 1973 with a small group of dedicated Christians who attended the Toledo Gospel Tabernacle, now known as First Alliance Church. The Spirit of the Lord prompted these individuals to dream big and consider doing something that had never been done before in Toledo - creating a non-denominational Christian school for Christian families in Northwest Ohio.
TC is beyond grateful for the vision and foundation that was established 50 years ago through the godly men and women at First Alliance, but we are even more thankful for the continued partnership and support.
February 24 - Early Bird Registration 50th Celebration Dinner & Live Auction
Early bird registration will be opened for the 50th Celebration Dinner & Live Auction on Saturday, November 15, 2025. This is a night you don't want to miss as we honor those who worked hard to establish our foundation, but also look to embrace all the amazing things ahead!
Registration Link:
50th Celebration Dinner & Auction
Parkway Place
November 15, 2025
*Silent Auction will be available online starting on November 15, 2025 through November 17, 2025.
April 12 - Eagle's Nest Open House
Our littlest of eagles have a new home! In August, 2024 the new Eagle's Nest doors were opened at 4023 Beverly Dr. Toledo to our preschool and prekindergarten students. The Eagle's Nest building sits just down the road from the main TC campus. We will be hosting our first ever Eagle's Nest Open House for prospective families on Saturday, April 12, 2025 from 10am to Noon.
For more information and to register for the Eagle's Nest Open House visit:
April 25 - Bike for TC
The iconic Toledo Christian bike-a-thon is a longstanding fundraiser at TC for our K - 6th grade students. In honor of 50 years, please consider sponsoring a student as they work hard to raise money for the school.
Bike For TC Fundraising Link: Coming soon!
May 19 - Welcome Back Reception - Former Staff & Faculty
We invite our former staff and faculty to a reception here at Toledo Christian from 1pm to 3pm. Visit with current staff and faculty, tour the building, and enjoy fellowship with one another.
June 19 - TC Endowment Appreciation Dinner
The financial longevity of the school is not possible without our generous donors! Toledo Christian has 34 endowed scholarships that have been established since 1996 to provide tuition assistance to our TC students and their families.
Invitations for this exclusive event will be mailed beginning of May.
August 14 - Welcome Back Celebration - Current TC Families
Toledo Christian is excited to welcome back current TC students and their families for a kick-off event to the 2025-26 school year! If your student is new to TC this coming school year, we welcome you as a part of our community!
September 12 - 50th Celebration Football Tailgate
We invite our TC Alumni, their families, and former parents to tailgate with us prior to the TC Varsity Football game at Bowsher Stadium that evening.
More details to come on date and venue...
*Note: This event is not the same weekend as homecoming!
September 27 - TC Golf Outing
The Toledo Christian Golf Outing sponsored by the TC Alumni Association and TC Foundation is held in the fall at The Legacy Golf Club in Ottawa Lake, MI. Teams of 4 made up of Alumni, Alumni parents, friends and family of Toledo Christian venture out early on the golf course in support of the TCAA!
We would love for you to join us this year to help celebrate 50 years of Toledo Christian!
Registration: Opens in August, 2025
November 15 - 50th Celebration Dinner & Auction
Help us celebrate 50 years of God's faithfulness to Toledo Christian at the Celebration Dinner & Auction on Saturday, November 15, 2025 at Parkway Place in Maumee.
Early registration opens up on February 24, 2025 so be sure to order your tickets or table sponsorship in advance, as seats will be limited! Check back for further details in the coming months.

Copies can still be purchased on Amazon at
Volume II The History of Toledo Christian School 2011 - 2025 is in progress! If you would like to be a part of drafting this next volume, please contact Jerusha Gioiella at [email protected].