Visual Arts

"ART is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better." - Andrew Gide
The Visual Arts Department at TC stands on the belief that God is the ultimate artist!  He designed and crafted each of us as unique individuals.  The mission is to exemplify God and the creative abilities He has given all students from preschool up to the high school level. Studying the Elements of Art, the Principles of Design and recognizing the truth, goodness, and beauty in all God's creation is our main focus.

Preschool & Pre-kindergarten

Preschool and Pre-kindergarten students at Toledo Christian enjoy early exposure to master artists like Claude Monet, Winslow Homer, and Vincent Van Gogh. Students are introduced to the Elements of Art and begin to learn foundational skills like color mixing and types of lines. Our young artists create multiple two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, including drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture.

Elementary (K-6)

The goal of the elementary art program is to use art as an instrument for God's glory.  Students are encouraged to reflect God's truth, goodness, and beauty in each of their creations.  The Elements of Art and Principles of Design guide students to create artwork with a standard of excellence.  Students explore the lives and works of seven master artists each year and gain proficiency using multiple two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, including drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture.

Junior High (7-8)

Each semester, junior high students take a visual arts class.  They have two quarters to delve into art projects that are designed to teach students the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. The students are introduced to various forms of drawing, painting, mixed media, 3D art, and clay each semester.

High School (9-12)

Photography, Ceramics, Yearbook, Art 1 & 2, as well as Advanced Art are offered at TC.  This counts towards the students high school Fine Arts Elective. Students work on projects that are centered each month around various forms of art mediums and materials as well as reviewing the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. Drawing basics, painting, mixed media, photography, clay, sculpture, and 3D art, as well as art history. Students compete in various local art competitions as well as show their personal creations on city trash receptacles throughout the Toledo parks.