Superintendent Message

No matter the color of your skin, your race, your gender; you were made in the image of Almighty God! You were made with purpose, you are valuable, you are loved! ALL of us are image bearers! Let's live like it, and love and respect one another as His Image bearers!
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27
June 8, 2020 

Watching the events of the past week unfold has been heart-wrenching for us all, particularly for our African American students and their families, our faculty and staff, as well as our entire TC family. The injustice and violence comes from a dark place, as the enemy wants to kill and destroy us. The only cure is Christ, and that starts with addressing the sin that lies within the heart.
We recognize the pain, fear, and alienation that members of our community are experiencing. We pray for the victims of racial hatred, violence, and ultimately for a healing path forward for our country.
On behalf of our faculty, staff, and administration, Toledo Christian is fully committed to providing all students the opportunity to learn in an environment in which they feel safe and valued – one that enables them to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
As an institution of learning, it is our responsibility and obligation to stand up for what is just, to respect the voices of every community member, and to continue to provide and build a safe and inclusive atmosphere. For many of our students, families, and employees, dealing with racism, prejudice, bias, hatred, and overt forms of discrimination is a harsh reality, and when one hurts, we all hurt. The words we speak to one another and the actions we must take reflect our core values, and in all of our dealings, we must directly reject racism, bias, and discrimination of any kind. Now, more than ever, we must come together as a school to support one another and promote justice and equity.
Moving forward, we recognize the need to strengthen our efforts to facilitate a school community where every face, voice, and experience is represented, welcomed, and supported. We began this process of strengthening our efforts during the 2019-20 school year when we formed a school diversity committee comprised of faculty, staff, and a school board liaison. In the days ahead, we must lean into some very difficult conversations, but in doing so, we will foster the Kingdom environment God expects.
When we stand together to acknowledge the equal value of all members of the Toledo Christian community, we can and will create a better and brighter future for us all.
Scott Gibson